miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017

                            Ten types of energy

Tidal Energy:

Tidal energy is defined as sustainable energy that takes advantage of the movement that occurs in the water due to the wind and the gravitational forces exerted by the Sun and the Moon that cause the tides. The operation of the tide or energy of the tides is very basic, since the energy is obtained by coupling a turbine that generates electricity from this natural movement. To take advantage of this renewable energy what is done is that reservoirs are built near the coasts to allow the storage of water when the tide rises, by the time the tide goes down, releasing it to the sea by passing it through a turbine that produces electricity with this movement of the Water.

fossil fuels:

Oil and gas are mainly derived from which of the following sources?
 phytoplanktonic material found in marine basins
Why do fossil fuels generate more power than wood for use in machines, for example?
Fossil fuels have a higher concentration of carbon and hydrogen
What is the one continent on Earth where coal is not found?
Most of the world's oil is found in sedimentary rock that is of what age?
younger than 200 million years
Coal, a common fossil fuel, is formed from which of the following types of organic matter?
tree trunks, leaves, and freshwater plants
Natural gas is composed mainly of which type of gas?
The greatest concentration of oil is found in which of the regions of the world given below?
the Middle East

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